Brain dead design
The ST Discovery boards are truly brain dead in their design (hey ST, send me an email and ask nicely and I can help you out - for a fee of course).
For example, the Discovery boards, like the Nucleo boards, contain a built-in ST-Link device. On the STM32F407G-DISC1 that ST-Link is a V/2-1 device which also includes a virtual serial port over the same USB. Unfortunately, the Datasheet includes the following gem:
So, to use the serial port in the ST-Link the user will have to solder two thin wires from directly on the MCU to a couple of header pins. They didn't even bother with a solder pad or test point.
What on earth possessed them? When designing the Green Pill there was very limited space to use, but it is not as if they are short on space on this board. There can only be one of two reasons for this. Either whoever designed it was incredible stupid and/or extremely lazy.
MEMS motion sensor
The STM32F407G-DISC1 contains a MEMS motion sensor, the LIS3DSH.
The MEMS sensor is wired up to a SPI peripheral like this: