STM32 Audio Analogue ADC and DAC using Timer + DMA

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This page deals with running the STM32 ADCs and DACs off of a timer at a sample rate adequate for Audio Data. We will be using a sample rate of 48000 Hz for both and be using STM32CubeMX to configure as much as possible.

Source for this example can be found here.


A quick teaser video showing the result in action:

Configuring Clocks

For this we'll be using a stm32dev board which is equipped with a STM32F405RG processor and a 8 MHz external crystal.

Using STM32CubeMx the clocks are configured like this:

ADCDAC Example Clock.png

As can be seen, the processor is using the external (HSE) crystal running at 8 MHz, to generate it's internal SYSCLK running at 168 MHz. From this clock the two timer clocks are derived, APB1 timer running at 84 MHz and APB2 timer at 168 MHz.

Configuring Timer for Audio Sampling

As mentioned earlier we are aiming for a sample rate of 48 kHz - which should be adequate for audible audio. To achieve this we'll configure Timer 8 to run at that frequency. First we'll be configuring the mode:

ADCDAC Example Timer Mode.png

According to the datasheet, the STM32F405 Timer 8 is running off of APB2. We therefor need to divide the 168 MHz frequency of that down to our desired 48 kHz.

168 MHz / 48 kHz = 3500

There are multiple ways to achieve that but a prescaler of 0 and a counter of 3499 should work. We define two user constants to this effect:

ADCDAC Example User Constants.png

Using these constant definitions, we can now configure the timer parameters:

ADCDAC Example Timer Parameters.png

Using that configuration, the Timer 8 should fire 48000 update events per second.

Configure ADC

Now, that we've got the timer running, we can configure the analog to digital convertion. We'll be using one ADC (ADC1) and configure that to sample values from 4 different inputs (more on that later):

ADCDAC Example ADC1 Mode.png

In the Parameter Settings we set the ADC to run off of the previously configured TIM8:

ADCDAC Example ADC1 Parameters.png

Configure DAC

To be added


To be added